Location: Texas, United States

I'm a follower of Jesus Christ, a orthodox monergist, pre-millenialist, and a Southern Baptist. Yes, I know I'm all jacked up!

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Things Work Out

Tonight I went over and had supper with the staff and the preacher that offended me this morning. He never apologized because I never let him know he offended me. I have this grand notion of the SBC as a place that all different people with all different fringe beliefs can come together in unity and serve Christ. However crazy that may sound, I think it's possible. It will take people living by the book they so dearly claim they want to live by though! I include myself in that. Tonight while at this get together, I went and sat down next to this man and just talked with him. I made small talk with him. I found out a little about his family and that he's a prof at a seminary. It's much harder not to like someone you know. It was so easy for me this morning to write him off even though he really had no idea of who I was. He really is a nice man that does love the Lord. I'm not excusing what he said from the pulpit this morning, what I am doing is following my own advice though. If I am griping about the example from the pulpit, I need to set the example away from the pulpit. What was said really hurt me, but insead of getting mad I should let it show me the need to be more sensitive to others.


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