The Confessions

Location: Texas, United States

I'm a follower of Jesus Christ, a orthodox monergist, pre-millenialist, and a Southern Baptist. Yes, I know I'm all jacked up!

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

First Thoughts of the O.T.

I read through Genesis 1 yesterday. I must confess that I was incredibly tired due to a lack of sleep the night before. Well obviously at first glance in Genesis 1 we see the Creator creating the creation. Ha. I love using words like that! If we take just the surface writing here we would find that God created everything in 6 days. That's just the basic idea being given here. However, I would like to offer simply an observation that blew me away.
God created in a completely ORDERLY way. God by no means created by the "seat of His pants" so to speak. There is tremendous planning involved. Just read through the text and you will get this picture that God had all this planned out. To me this is a view into His sovereignty. Also speaking to the order of things, God issued the decree that the living beings reproduce "after their own kind." I never realized how many times that is used in this scripture. The writer was really attempting to express to us that God had ordained for beings to procreate within their own kind. Again this just adds to the feel that God was orderly in His creating.
Could it be that we've been so caught up in trying to find out how long the days lasted that we totally missed the message of the text? I really believe that the message of the text is that an orderly, all-powerful God created what we see out of nothing. Could it be that Moses is not trying to give us the totally incompassing information about the formation of the universe, but is attempting to show us something rather about the Creator?
On a more theological note, I find it interesting that in Genesis 1:26 God speaks of Himself in the form of plurality. "Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness...." Is that an early reference to the Trinity?

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Our Choice in Justification

I posted today on the web blog that I disagreed with a statement that said that the Bible teaches the God predestines and we choose. I still hold that position even though I removed the comment from the website. The reason I removed it was because I felt like it caused more problems than it helped. I was trying to start a conversation about "choice" but I realized that was probably not the proper setting.
I still maintain that we do not make a choice in justification. A choice implies that there is more than one option. Here is specifically in detail what I mean. God predestined us before the foundation of the world. I mean that to say that God specifically chose the elect before He began creating anything. When the time comes for a member of the elect to become justified, God through grace regenerates that person and that person responds to the regeneration. That response could be called a choice. However, I would like to assert that it is in fact not a choice. God implants faith into the person and through that faith that is imparted that person believes in Jesus Christ. (Eph. 2:8-9) When God regenerates a person, that person has no other option but to become justified. (John 6:37) So I don't believe this to be a choice.
I can see how this can be seen as a choice to be justified, so don't misunderstand what I am saying. The person is making a choice, but not a choice to be justified rather a choice to be sanctified. The person is making the choice to leave the sinful life behind but not making the choice to be justified. I believe that once we are regenerated that makes us justified. That's tough to argue but I think I can support it. I believe that the choice we make after is one of sanctification rather than justification. Let's go back to the Ephesians scripture (2:8-9). It says that we are "saved through faith." I believe that faith is imparted to us at the time of regeneration. Therefore that is my support for being justified at regeneration. I believe even Romans deals with this in (4:4-8) "but to the one who does not work, but believes in Him who justifies the ungodly, his faith is credited as righteousness..." I believe that once we are regenerated that God looks at us with the blood of Christ covering us so that He would not refer to us as "ungodly." So that leads me to assume that God justifies us at the time of regeneration and gives us faith at that moment. Then we make the choice to repent of our sinful ways and become more like Him. Believe me I know that I am for the most part arguing from silence however I am simply trying to put it together. Please know that I am seeking to give glory only to the Lord for my salvation. If anyone disagrees with me, which I'm positive some will, I don't think this is a fellowship breaking point. Let's unite under the banner of exalting the glory of Jesus Christ and the grace that His Father has bestowed upon us.

Conviction That I Lack O.T. Knowledge

I am convicted that I lack knowledge of the Old Testament. God saw fit to give us a historical account of His dealings with Israel of old. I have heretofore made an unconscious decision in the course of my sanctification to minimally study the O.T. There are so many treasures that abound in the O.T. Just recently I listened to a message by Matt Chandler where he defended the total sovereignty of God out of a text in Isaiah. (Isaiah 46:8-13) Why is it that I have so neglected such a rich blessing that God has given us?

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Why I'm a Nano

Tonight I'm preaching that in our lives we should give up control of every area of our lives over to God. That is so hard to do! I struggle with giving everything to Him. Not that I have this thought that secretly God has my demise in mind, but I struggle with the unknown. I like knowing in advance what God has in store for me. That's not always how He works. I'm beginning to get more comfortable, at least it seems, with Him being in control of some new areas. Even though daily I fall to the temptation to take those areas back. My prayer is that He will continue to renew the wretch that I am to one day be like Him.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Why a Blog?

I have always hated the idea of putting my life on the internet for all to read about. However, I have been reading The Confessions of Augustine and it has opened my eyes to the possibility that God can use my journey to know Him better in order to help others know Him better. That's why it will be my goal to post my thoughts about my Lord, whatever they may be, on this site.